An Inside Look at the Field of Dreams MLB Game - Roman Weinberg

Remember how excited we were? That was a fun time!

This week’s Moonlighter is the Director of Operations at the Field of Dreams Movie Site. In addition to the rest of his duties, Roman Weinberg has played a critical role in one of the biggest sporting events in Iowa history that hasn’t even happened yet. The New York Yankees and the Chicago White Sox are supposed to face off on a field carved out of an Iowa cornfield, just like Ray Kinsella built. However, with COVID-19 and the entire MLB season up in the air, even if they build it, they might not come.

If I can wake up every day and do this… I’ve got it made

Roman Weinberg is passionate about baseball and the Field of Dreams site. Weinberg started as an intern in 2014 at the Field of Dreams and has worked his way up to his current role. His responsibilities on and off of the field include all kinds of duties, but things have been changing quickly with the development of the major league ballpark and the addition of the Baseballism store over the last year. 

The Field of Dreams site has evolved since the movie was filmed in 1989. The Ghost Players, tours, private events, Fort Dodge Gypsum Eaters games, and many more events have kept the field busy over the years, but in this interview, Tim and Roman talk about the 3rd life that the Major League game has brought to the field. The magic of the field hasn’t worn off for these guys and the countless tourists that Weinberg gets to visit with. 

The Field of Dreams is a special place for countless baseball fans. Roman Weinberg may not have a name like Costner or Kinsella, but he plays a vital role in maintaining the magic.

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