Nick Overton - ImMarksman

Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select, start.

We all know it. Whether it was a cheat code in Contra or a secret passage in Mario, knowing something in a video game that gave you a leg up on your buddies made playing  a lot more fun. But we all reached that point of frustration where we couldn’t beat a certain level or a particular ‘boss’ and that is when the controllers started getting thrown. Our Moonlighter this week is on a whole different level when it comes to video games. Nick Overton got his start playing games like Halo about 20 years ago and now makes a killing as a professional gamer.

Nick Overton grew up in Johnston and played video games like most of us. But as he started getting more successful at Halo, Call of Duty, and other games and started making videos that he would share online to teach others through his gameplay. His combination of personality and gaming skill has helped him build up a following 1.4 million subscribers on YouTube. He has uploaded a video a day since August of 2012. Streaming started out as a hobby and he went to college to pursue a degree in journalism on path towards a more traditional job. However between his tournament winnings, team membership, sponsorships, his YouTube views, and his Twitch streams, Overton has proven to be a major success. His videos and streams have millions of views and he puts in countless hours gaming and preparing his videos.

“I yell at people all of the time.”

This isn’t Moonlight Graham’s first foray into the world of video games. Tim went into the arena for a Tecmo tourney a while back but the world that Nick Overton operates in is a pretty far cry from the world of video games most of us know. Streaming on Twitch and producing videos for his YouTube channel are pretty similar to the life of a professional athlete. Overton is either practicing, playing, streaming, or editing for about 10 hours a day. He calls himself a content creator because that sort of captures the myriad of things he does. In his professional career, he has been on teams, started his own company, won major tournaments, been watched by millions, and still practices his craft for 5-6 hours each day. While the games update and new challenges come his way, ImMarksman does his best to stay at the top of his game.

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